quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2013

Grandes pintores para alegrar o feriado!

Lindas Orquídeas Roxas por R$22,00 o vaso!!

Foto: "Good artists copy, great artists steal"

- Pablo Picasso


Arearea (Joyousness), 1892,
Paul Gauguin 
Arearea ( Joyousness ), 1892, Paul Gauguin

Claude Monet

Nymphéas, 1914-17, Claude Monet

Les agapanthes
Les agapanthes, 1900-26, Claude Monet

Vincent Van Gogh

Foto: In a short period of ten years Van Gogh made approximately 900 paintings.
Van Gogh - No período de  dez anos, fez aproximadamente 900 pinturas

Foto: April showers bring May flowers.

Van Gogh

Foto: "Corridor of Saint-Paul Asylum in Saint-Remy" by Vincent Van Gogh created in 1889: http://www.overstockart.com/corridorasylum.html
Corredor do asilo Saint-Paul, em Saint Remy, 1889

Mountainous Landscape Behind Saint-Paul Hospital,
Vincent van Gogh
Van Gogh, montanhas atrás do Hospital Saint-Paul

Foto: "Blossoming Chestnut Branches Oil Painting" by Vincent Van Gogh : http://www.overstockart.com/blosschestbranch.html
Van Gogh

Foto: "Irises" by Vincent Van Gogh created in 1889 : http://www.overstockart.com/irises5.html
Van Gogh

Foto: "Red Branches Of An Almond Tree In Blossom (custom)" by Vincent Van Gogh created in 1890: http://www.overstockart.com/branchesofalmondcustom.html

Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh, campo de trigo, 1889

Pablo Picasso

Foto: Pablo Picasso - Femme à la fenêtre (Marie-Thérèse), 1936. Christie’s London 21 June 2013
Mulher à janela ( Marie- Thérèse) , 1936, Pablo Picasso

Foto: Pablo Picasso, "Blue Nude". 1902
Blue Nude, Pablo Picasso

Foto: Pablo Picasso. "Bathers with a Toy Boat." 1937. Oil, chalk and charcoal on canvas. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy.
Banhistas com um barco de brinquedo, 1937

Foto: A Spanish Couple in front of an Inn. 1900. Pastel on cardboard. Private collection.
Casal espanhol em frente à pousada, pastel em cardboard ( papel cartão )

Salvador Dali

Foto: Salvador Dalí, Galatea of the Spheres, 1952
Salvador Dali, 1952

Foto: Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces , 1938
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali, 1938

Foto: Salvador Dalí , "The Hand", 1930
Salvador Dali, 1930